License Image The adult human skeleton is made up of 206 bones, and is divided into two main divisions: the axial and appendicular.
Skeleton & Spine
Skeleton Axial and Appedicular
License Image The adult human skeleton is made up of 206 bones, and is divided into two main divisions: the axial and appendicular. The axial skeleton consists of the bones along the axis of the body. The appendicular skeleton consists of the bones of the appendages (arms and legs) and the girdles (shoulder and pelvic) […]
Rib Cage
License Image The rib cage has three important functions: protection, support and respiration. It encloses and protects the heart and lungs. It provides a strong framework onto which the muscles of the shoulder girdle, chest, upper abdomen and back can attach. It is flexible and can expand and contract by the action of the muscles […]
Skull Anatomy
License Image Anatomical structures of the skull include: frontal bone supraorbital rim temporal bone nasal bone zygoma maxilla inferior concha nasal spine mandible glabella greater wing of sphenoid lesser wing of sphenoid optic canal middle concha infraorbital foramen styloid process nasal septum mental foramen styloid process
Nasal Bones
License Image frontal bone frontal sinus nasal bone septal cartilage vomeronasal cartilage perpendicular plate of ethmoid sphenoid sinus vomer palate pharyngeal orifice of eustachian tube
Muscles of the Face – Mimetic Muscles
License Image The muscles that control facial expression, also called mimetic muscles. These muscles are controlled by the facial nerve, which has 5 main divisions described below. Five main divisions of the facial nerve and the muscles they control: 1) temporal The frontalis muscle of the forehead lifts the eyebrows. The anterior and superior auricular […]
Platysma Muscle of the Neck
License Image The platysma muscle. A very thin and superficial muscle of the neck.
Anatomy of the Eye
License Image Structures illustrated are: Superior rectus muscle Optic nerve Vitreous Inferior rectus muscle Orbicularis oculi muscle Levator palpebrae superioris Muller’s muscle Superior tarsal plate Inferior tarsal plate Palpebral conjunctival plate
Spine Anatomy
License Image The vertebral column consists of 33 vertebrae. There are 7 cervical, 12 thoracic and 5 lumbar. The sacrum is formed by 5 fused vertebrae and the coccyx by 4 fused vertebrae. The first cervical vertebrae is called the Atlas and the second the Axis. In between each vertebrae is a fibrocartilaginous intervertebral disc.
Spine Posterior View
License Image The vertebral column consists of 33 vertebrae. There are 7 cervical, 12 thoracic and 5 lumbar. The sacrum is formed by 5 fused vertebrae and the coccyx by 4 fused vertebrae. The first cervical vertebrae is called the Atlas and the second the Axis. In between each vertebrae is a fibrocartilaginous intervertebral disc.
Spine Anatomy Curves
License Image The vertebral column has curves associated with the different regions: the cervical curve, the thoracic curve, the lumbar curve and the sacral curve.
License Image A typical vertebra consists of a body, an arch and a central foramen (or collectively a canal) in which the spinal cord is contained. The arch consists of two pedicles which attach to the vertebral body and two lamina which form a roof. Located on the arch are two transverse processes, a spine, […]
Vertebral Ligaments
License Image The tendons, ligaments and muscles surrounding a joint are what give it strength and stability. Ligaments and tendons are tough fibrous bands. Ligaments attach bone to bone, tendons attach muscle to bone. The anterior longitudinal ligament (ALL) and the posterior longitudinal ligament (PLL) run the entire length of the spinal column. The anterior […]
License Image The figure on the left shows the normal curve of the spine in the neck with good posture. In the figure on the right with poor posture, the cervical spine has become flattened, and the thoracic curve (green) has become exaggerated. (called “kyphosis” or hunchback)