License Image The cerebrum is divided into right and left hemispheres by the longitudinal fissure. The central sulcus separates the frontal lobe from the parietal lobe. The folds or convolutions in the brain are called gyri, the grooves are sulci. The occipital lobe is the primary visual area of the brain. The two hemispheres are […]
Brain Lobes
License Image Each hemisphere of the brain is divided into 4 lobes by sulci or fissures. The frontal lobe is separated from the parietal lobe by the central sulcus. The lateral fissure separates the frontal lobe from the temporal lobe. The parietooccipital sulcus separates the parietal lobe from the occipital lobe.
Cerebral Cortex – Functional Areas
License Image The cerebral cortex is divided into sensory, motor and association areas. Sensory areas receive sensory input, motor areas control movement of muscles. Association areas are involved with more complex functions such as learning, decision making and complex movements such as writing. The central sulcus divides the primary sensory and motor areas. Both the […]
Brain Anatomy – Internal Structures
License Image The central nervous system consists of the brain and spinal cord. The peripheral nervous system is made up of the nerves which connect the brain and spinal cord with the rest of the body. The principal parts of the brain are the cerebrum, brainstem, diencephalon, and cerebellum. The cerebrum is made of both […]
Thalamus, Hypothalamus
License Image Thalamus The thalamus is an olive shaped structure about one inch in length. It serves as a relay station for impulses traveling to and from the spinal cord, brain stem, cerebellum and cerebrum. It has an important function in directing sensory input to the appropriate place in the cerebral cortex. Sensory input from […]
Limbic System
License Image The limbic system, sometimes called “the emotional brain”, controls many of the complex emotional behaviors we think of as instinct. Different areas of the limbic system have a strong control over emotions such as pleasure, pain, anger, fear, sadness, sexual feelings and affection. It is an important system in animals which have a […]
Brain Anatomy – Internal Structures
License Image Corpus callosum, third ventricle, pitiutary gland, cerebellum, pons, medulla.
Brain Tumor, Glioblastoma, Meningioma
License Image The tumors depicted in the adjoining illustration are: meningioma, glioblastoma and deep tumor.
Brain Structure
License Image Shown in this illustration are the frontal lobe, temporal lobe, pons, spinal cord, cerebellum, and cranial nerves.
Brain Aneurysm
License Image Shown in this illustration are aneurysms of the following blood vessels of the brain: MCA bifurcation, anterior communicating artery, basilar artery, internal carotid artery, vertebral artery.
Brain Ventricles
License Image Shown in this illustration are the right hemisphere of the brain, the left hemisphere, the third ventricle and lateral ventricle.
Facial Nerve
License Image This illustration depicts the main motor branches of the facial nerve that control the mimetic muscles of the face, called the “muscles of expression”. Muscles of Expression These are the superficial muscles around the eye, nose, mouth, ear, forehead, scalp and the platysma in the neck. The facial nerve is the seventh cranial […]
Spinal Nerve
License Image The spinal cord is made up of neuronal cell bodies and axons. The cell bodies are located in the horns (grey matter) and ganglia, and the axons comprise the white matter (tracts) of the cord. There are 31 pairs of spinal nerves. They are attached to the spinal cord by a dorsal and […]
Neuromuscular Junction
License Image Spinal cord with spinal nerves and the junction of the nerve ending with a muscle. Structures illustrated are: Dorsal root (of the spinal nerve) Ventral root Nerve rootlets Ganglion Spinal nerve Muscle fibers Neuromuscular junction
Herniated Disc
License Image The intervertebral disc is made up of an outer ring called the anulus fibrosus, and an inner core of a soft gelatinous substance called the nucleus pulposus. The anulus fibrosus is composed of fibrous tissue and fibrocartilage laminae arranged in concentric rings. When a disc is injured or becomes less flexible with age, […]
Sciatic Nerve
License Image The sciatic nerve is the largest nerve in the body and arises from the L4 through S3 spinal nerves (and their roots). It exits the pelvis through the sciatic notch, and continues down the back of the thigh where it splits into the common fibular and tibial nerve at the knee. The common […]
License Image Sciatica refers to the symptoms of pain, numbness, tingling, burning sensation or weakness that originate in the lower back, radiate through the buttock, and continue down the back of the thigh, leg and foot. Sciatica occurs when there is compression, inflammation or injury to the sciatic nerve or to its (spinal nerve) roots. […]
Neuron – (nerve cell)
License Image All nerve cells (neurons) generally consist of 4 parts: the cell body, dendrites, an axon, and synaptic end bulbs. The nerve impulse flows in one direction. The dendrites receive incoming nerve impulses from other neurons, and the axon transmits the impulse to another neuron or receptor. The axon varies in length. It can […]